Feelings and needs – self care during tough times

Published by Ali Gordon-Creed on

I imagine by now we’ve all been through a roller coaster of emotions and sometimes they are difficult to sort out, so I thought this might be a useful offering that can be done individually or within the family.
You look at the Feeling cards and identify with one or two that really pinpoint what you’re feeling in that moment. Then if you’re doing this individually, look at the Need cards and find the best fit. Hold both to your heart and breathe in the Need ?..then perhaps think about how else you may be able to get that need met, either by asking or doing.
If being done within a group, silently, each person puts forward a Need card that they think is most helpful for the Feeling that’s been identified. The receiver just nods as each is presented. Once all have presented, the receiver chooses the ones that resonate best. Every member takes a turn and then the group can discuss or process as needed.
As always am here for support ??
Categories: Support